Brick Pavers
The Memorial Walkway Paver program is now closed to new orders. We have used up all available room in the current walkway. Pavers are not placed in the middle of the walkway to reduce wear and increase longevity.
Plans for expansion are under review but there is no projected date for a decision.
Looking for your paver?
Click here to find a list of pavers sorted by the year the paver was ordered and by section. Refer to the paver map to identify each section.
Click here to see a map of how the paver locations are laid out.
Click here for paver placements in Section A, B, C on the pathway to the gift shop.
Click here for paver placements in Section D on the pathway next to the Historic Marker.
Click here for paver placements in Section E, F on the pathway next to the gift shop.
Click here for paver placements in Section G on the pathway to the oil house.
Click here for paver placements in Section H on the pathway to the lighthouse steps.
For additional information, feel free to email us at