Upcoming Events
2025 Meetings and Events
The dates displayed are for planning purposes only. Events may be cancelled or rescheduled as necessary. Check back often for updates!
Additional details will be added as plans are formulated.
Important News: All of Tawas Point State Park will be closed beginning March 24. There will be no entry to the park, even for walkers, due to the repaving project. Expected date of completion is May 31.
Volunteers for these events must be members of the Friends of Tawas Point Lighthouse and State Park. The DNR requires a background check for all volunteers; contact us at tawaslighthousefriends@gmail.com for the paperwork.
A recreation passport is required for entry into the park.
There is an volunteer website that displays information on events and allows you to sign up online; just click the link under the event for which you want to volunteer. You can also volunteer by calling 989-545-1421 or sending an email to tawaslighthousefriends@gmail.com.
Tuesday, March 4 - "Undecorate" the Lighthouse
What goes up, must come down! We need a few hands to take down and pack away our Christmas decorations. Meet at 10am to restore the museum to its normal state.
Click HERE to volunteer so we will have an idea of the turnout.
Wednesday, March 19 - Clean Up, Shine Up!
Bring your feather dusters and mops and get the lighthouse cleaned and ready for the start of the season! Once the tasks are divided up, it's a pretty quick process to leave it shining and clean. Meet at 10a at the lighthouse.
Click HERE to volunteer so we will have an idea of the turnout.
Thursday, March 13 - Board Meeting
The meeting will be held at Zion Lutheran Church at 3p.
Thursday, March 20 - General Membership Meeting
Meet at Zion Lutheran Church at 3p to discuss upcoming events and hear the latest from the DNR.
Friday, April 4 and Saturday, April 5 - DNR Friends and Volunteers Summit
Every year, the DNR hosts members of registered Friends and volunteer groups at the RAM Center in Roscommon. It's a great opportunity to share stories and ideas with others that support our State Parks and Campgrounds. Call 989-545-1421 if you would like to attend. Room and board is provided. The conference runs all day on Friday and until noon on Saturday.
April 12 - Sunrise Side Lighthouse Coalition Meeting
Lighthouse from the Sunrise Side will meeting in Alpena at the Great Lakes Maritime Center at 10a. A great opportunity to share ideas and plans with groups from our fellow lighthouses. If you are interested in attending, contact us at 989-545-1421 to arrange carpooling.
Thursday, May 8 - Board Meeting
The meeting will be held at Zion Lutheran Church at 3p.
Thursday, May 15 - General Membership Meeting
Meet at Zion Lutheran Church at 3p to discuss upcoming events and hear the latest from the DNR.
Saturday, May 17 - Native Plant Sale
Due to road work at Tawas Point State Park, the ever-popular Native Plant Sale will be held in the State Dock parking lot near the hospitality building. The DNR has waved the parking fee! Sales start at 9am and run until noon or until sold out. There will be no early sales.
Click HERE to volunteer online.
Date TBD - Training for Lighthouse Docents
To prepare volunteers for Tuesdays at the Lighthouse and ensure a consistent message and traffic flow, this year we will hold a training session. We will record the session for those unable to attend.
Saturday, May 24 and Sunday, May 25 - Memorial Day Arts and Crafts Show
The annual Arts and Crafts show is a great opportunity to greet the public, hand out information on the lighthouse and state park, and sell our artwork. Several short shifts will be available.
Tuesdays at the Lighthouse
Every Tuesday in June, July, and August the lighthouse is open for self-guided tours. Three volunteers are needed to greet visitors, maintain traffic control, and answer questions. There will be training available prior to the start of the season. Click HERE to sign up for a two-hour shift.
Thursday, August 7 - National Lighthouse Day
Check back for additional details nearer the date.
Thursday, August 14 - Board Meeting
The meeting will be held at Zion Lutheran Church at 3p.
Saturday, August 23 - General Membership Meeting
Our annual summer meeting will be held in our new pavilion at 10am. Hope to see our "summer members" that morning! An early meeting frees up the rest of the day for summer activities.
Date TBD - Decorate the Lighthouse for the Harvest Festival
Friday, October 10 and Saturday, October 11 - Harvest Festival
Thursday, October 30 - Board Meeting
The meeting will be held at Zion Lutheran Church at 3p.
Thursday, November 6 - General Membership Meeting and Potluck Dinner
Meet at Zion Lutheran Church at 4:30 to enjoy a potluck supper followed by the final meeting of the year. Always a fun evening!
TBD - Decorate the Lighthouse for Christmas
Many hands make light work! We need volunteers to spruce up the lighthouse for our most popular event of the year, Christmas at the Lighthouse.
Saturday, November 29 - Christmas at the Lighthouse
Visitors always enjoy seeing the lighthouse in its festive finery. From noon to 4:30p the lighthouse will be open by donation to enjoy the decorations, climb the tower, and take a look at the second floor Keeper's Quarters - the only day in the year that visitors are allowed upstairs!
Click HERE to volunteer online for a shift or event.
Photo credit: Jeannie LaBella
Interested in helping at any of the events? Click HERE to view the list of volunteer activities on SignUpGenius. When you sign up online, you will receive a confirmation as well as an email reminder prior to the event.
If you would prefer to volunteer by phone, call 989-545-1421. Or email us at tawaslighthousefriends@gmail.com and we'll register you online.